Tuesday, September 20, 2005

New Era Brush Factory, Muttikulangara

The New Era (I hope I got the name right his time) Brush Factory at Muttikulangara was a very active unit during our school days.
Many from the neighbourhood found employment there.I have once visited the factory with grandfather. I don't think they had power supply then. They were probably running on captive power as there was some discussions about Generators during that visit.

They used to make a toothbrush with the tongue cleaner inside.It was quite an innovation. It was perhaps patented. The patent would have expired by now. Some entrerprising brush manufacturer today can use that design for product differentiation.

During those days the polymer science was not well developed. I wonder what plastics they were using for the handles. Remember, they were also making door handles and such which I think were made of bakelite ( thermosets).



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